Scott used a few slides to explain each programming model concept in Silverlight, and then showed a very base sample for each concept that helped present concretely how it worked.
In the talk Scott covered fallowing Silverlight concepts:
- Using Shapes and Text
- Using Controls
- Layout (Canvas and Layout Managers)
- Brushes
- Transforms
- Handling Events and Writing Code
- Building Custom UI Controls
- Reaching out and Programming the HTML of a page from a Silverlight control
- Handling HTML Events in Managed Code (e.g. html button click handled in C#/VB on the client)
- Exposing managed APIs to HTML JavaScript in the browser
- Using the File Open Dialog support
- Using the HTTP Network APIs
- Using the Web Service APIs
- Isolated Storage for local data caching
You can download the slides + demos of this talk below:
Included in the .zip download are readme instructions on how to run all of the samples on your own machine.